Local Advocacy

BOMA Indiana serves all counties in the state and understands that its members may have different opinions on specific legislation. Some bills may seem aligned with BOMA Indiana’s policies, but they often require deeper review. Therefore, BOMA Indiana carefully studies all proposed legislation and consults the Advocacy Committee before taking a position. While the focus is on state legislation, BOMA Indiana also considers the needs of its members at the local level, promoting the practice of commercial real estate ownership and management.

As of January 31, 2025

Senate Bill 232 - Landlord Nexus

Provides that, after June 30, 2025, a landlord may not manage a rental property in Indiana unless the landlord: (1) is authorized to do business in Indiana; (2) maintains an office at one or more physical locations in Indiana; or (3) appoints an Indiana licensed real estate broker or broker company to manage the rental property. 

HB 1079 - Property Matters

Provides that if a tenant does not claim the tenant's property within 30 days after receiving a certain notice, a warehouseman or storage facility may sell the tenant's property (current law requires a warehouseman or storage facility to wait 90 days). Defines "squatter" as an individual who occupies the real property of another and who does not have and has never had: (1) a rental agreement; (2) permission of the property owner; or (3) another legal interest in the real property; authorizing the individual to occupy the real property. Provides that, under certain circumstances, a property owner may obtain an expedited removal of a squatter from the property owner's residential real property or commercial real estate.

SB 105 - Elimination of annual adjustments of assessed values.

Eliminates the annual adjustments (or "trending") to assessed values of certain real property for assessment dates beginning after December 31, 2025. Retains the provisions in current law that require four year cyclical reassessments. Allows a reassessment plan for the four year cyclical reassessments to include trending factors in the plan. Does not eliminate the annual adjustment for agricultural land. Makes conforming changes. Makes technical corrections. 

SB101 - Registration of professional engineers.

Provides a new pathway to registration as a professional engineer for an individual with at least 25 years of engineering experience who also passes the required examination on the individual's first attempt. 

SB 93 - Common Construction Wage

Requires any firm, individual, partnership, limited liability company, or corporation that is awarded a contract, after June 30, 2025, by the state, a political subdivision, or a municipal corporation for the construction of a public work, and any subcontractor of the construction, to pay a scale of wages that is not less than the common construction wage. Establishes a process for determining the common construction wage.

HB 1033 - Retainage Requirements

Establishes a maximum amount of retainage that may be withheld from payments to contractors and subcontractors of a private construction project. Establishes a uniform maximum amount of retainage for private construction projects and certain state and local public works projects.

HB 1284- Background Checks of Maintenance Workers

Requires a landlord to adopt a policy requiring individuals who apply for certain employment positions that include access to the rental premises during the term of a tenant's lease to submit to a national criminal history background check before the landlord may hire the prospective employee. 

HB 1115 - Emergency possessory orders

Provides that under certain circumstances, a landlord may file a petition for an emergency possessory order.

Primary 2024 Bills Tracked

  • Enabled in HB 1001 – State Budget
  • Governed by Board of 8 Appointees - 4 State (2 from Governor, 1 from Speaker of House, 1 from Senate Pro-Temp.); 4 Local (2 – Mayor, 2 – City-County Council); Majority must be property owners within the district
  • Enacted by City-County Council via ordinance November 2023
  • Assessment on all taxable real property
  • Council dictates district boundaries and rates
  • Downtown Indy, Inc. administers funds, does not dictate projects
  • 10-year term (renewable by IGA and CCC)
  • Annual budget and report of activities submitted to City County Council
  • Security (including public safety technology)
  • Safety ambassadors
  • Cleaning, litter and graffiti removal; power washing
  • Outreach of homeless
  • Operations for a low barrier shelter for homeless
  • Landscaping and beautification
  • Public events
  • Business attraction and development
  • Planning for improvement activities
  • Q4 2023 - Passage of EED at Indianapolis City County Council
  • Q1&2 2024 - Appointment of Board Members
  • Q3 2024 - Expiration of ARPA funding for downtown Indianapolis programming
  • Q2 2025 - Supplemental assessment fee added to 2024 property taxes